A revolutionary cock

A dildo you suck on, which transfers the suction to the wearer’s clit. Hell yes.

Jollies Mr. Man blowjob dildo, with a hole through the shaft for transferring suction to the wearer.

Sometimes I talk about the future of sex toys whimsically, hopefully, as though all toys will one day be made of body-safe materials, all packaging will be incredibly classy, and all toys marketed as anal toys will have decent flanged bases. Ha. I know this is all too far-fetched, but I also know that there are companies out there that are really trying to innovate. And I love them for it.

I remember reading Essin’ Em’s old post about an in-production “blowjob cock” from Jollies [Edit: now known as LuzArte]. This toy, she said, would have an indent in the base where the wearer could place his/her genitals, and a hole in the tip where his/her partner could suck. The suction would transfer to the wearer’s genitals. When I read that, I thought, yeah, right. Too good to be true.

So now it is a huge triumph for me to read her newest post — a review of that cock, named Mr. Man, and a glowing one at that. Check it out:

She let me suck her cock, I let her suck mine . . . It was like more traditional oral sex on a female bodied person (cunnilingus like), but while watching her mouth slide up and down on my cock. Hot. Mind fuck. God damn hot mind fuck. When she sucked on my cock, my clit caught on fire. Fucking genius.

How awesomeis that? Not only does the suction actually work, it apparently works very well! Essin’ Em reports that using the cock for fucking hasn’t been a very positive experience for her, which is too bad. But you know what? Even if the only thing this cock is good for is blowjobs, I still say, “hell yes!” A toy like this has the power to revolutionize (yep, I’m gonna go there) sex lives, especially the lives of trans men. I’ve personally always wanted to experiment with having a cock, and having it sucked, so I want one too.

So here’s a shout-out to Jollies. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this cock, you are truly a revolutionary company.